- Estimated 1million trustees in the UK supporting,
- 181,000 charities which control around £53 billion of income,
- Around 50% of these charities have an unfilled space on their board,
- 39% of boards report difficulties in recruiting trustees,
- 81% of boards use word of mouth to recruit,
- Only 5% of the population are aware of trusteeship as an opportunity to support a voluntary organisation,
- 66% of trustees are aged over 50, 20% are over 70 and the average age is 57,
- only 0.5% of trustees are aged under 24years (despite 12% of the population being in this age group and apparently only 300 (three hundred) trustees in the UK are known to be under 18).
So what do these stats tell us? Are these issues, problems, challenges or opportunities?
Encouraging individuals to become trustees is an on-going challenge. NCVO have recently released a Prezi presentation outlining some of the reasons to become a charity trustee. Something to refer people to when they ask about trusteeship?
When you visit the Trustee Bank have a look at the opportunity to lead Wessex Heartbeats' board