Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Step by Step

I've come down from the high of my results from last Thursday and realise that I still have to address the BMI reading. Wessex Heartbeat kindly sell pedometers (£4) so I can encourage myself with a nice high step count. The recommendation is 10,000 steps a day. I have had a pedometer for almost a week now and the results are not too good. Over the weekend I clocked up 34,545 steps but the rest of the week has been fairly abysmal. I have only managed around 4,000 steps per day. It is surprising how easy it is to go from home to car, car to office and then sit all day at the desk. When I took the train yesterday I managed to clock up 8,184 steps but took bus!I have already talked about cycling but what can I do through the course of the day? Any suggestions?

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