A strategy to minimise trustee clones would be for charities in the same geographical area to work together in establishing a “Trustee Recruitment and Retention Committee”, I’m sure that there is a snappier title! The committee could;
- Create a pool of available trustees to fill vacancies promptly as they arise;
- Develop links with local business, professional bodies, community groups and other partners to promote charity trusteeship;
- Present awareness sessions for local people or companies who are interested in serving as trustees;
- Develop and share best practise templates;
- Provide briefings to potential trustees candidates whilst their application is being processed;
- Provide a local induction programme for new trustees;
- Facilitate a forum for trustees to meet and collectively discuss issues that are relevant to all trustees.
Once a firm, group or individual decides to become a charity trustee they would be able to select the charities that most interest them and be matched to the charities needs. An example of this could be an accountant who is interested in working for a health charity being able to choose between a number of health charities that need a Treasurer.
Recently I was reminded of a maxim that "as a leader your lowest standard is the highest others will aspire to".
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