Tuesday, 22 July 2008

D’Arcy Celebrates His BNI High-Five!

I have spent the majority of my career in the First Sector and am chuffed to been officially recognised by the most successful business referral organisation in the world.
As a member of the Chichester BNI chapter, I have received the BNI Notable Networker Award “in recognition of outstanding performance.”
This is the fifth time in seven years of membership that I have been presented with the accolade, which acknowledges business mentoring, bringing visitors to the chapter and generating business for existing members.
I am delighted to have received this for the fifth time. My role within Wessex Heartbeat brings me into contact with many different people from all sections of the community including the business world. I feel I am able to make introductions and contacts for other members and they are able to reciprocate – living out the BNI mantra “Givers Gain”

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