There is a lot in the press about charities and public trust and after all THE BEST WAY to get attention in the charity world is to say something controversial about public trust. So here we go!
5 years ago public trust was mentioned 6 times a week now 17 times a day in the Guardian and Observer. NCVO Research
If you follow one survey trust is up another is down and yet a third is somewhere in the middle. A few weeks ago Joe Saxton, fundraising guru and boss of think-tank nfpSynergy, hit the charity headlines by proclaiming a haemorrhaging of trust in the voluntary sector. Yet just the other week Third Sector devoted over a page of analysis to a survey which showed the opposite result. According to data released by the Charity Commission, trust has actually increased since 2005. For balance the YouGov poll from 2007 showed trust declining at an alarming rate, but levelling-off at a higher level than the nfpSynergy research!
All very confusing but what can I do about it? I suppose making the principals of governance easier to understand would be one thing. Another would be simple steps to sound governance. Well, to this aim I’ve collected together good practice and guidance in the form of a Knol. A Knol is meant to be an authoritative article about a specific topic. More importantly its also a place where knowledge can be gathered from other people so the collective is greater than the sum of its parts. Here is a link to my Knol, don’t forget to add your knowledge to it!
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